Friday, June 29, 2007
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Throwback Blog

In today's "Web Log" blog entry we're goin back, wayyyy back, all the way to the distant oldy fashioned world of 1997! 97 was the days of me being a teenager, hippies, The Wonder Years and Woodstock. (Woodstock 99 was in the planning stages.) Things were hoppin' down at the malt shop, a group of ruffians called the Wu Tang Clan were making hit records and beer was slightly cheaper than it is today! And, there was the internet. And, there were flying bulls!
Bull Falls off Embankment, Totals Car July 18, 1997 Joseph, Ore (AP) - This may be a new one for the insurance company; A 2,000-pound bull falls and totals a woman's car. Elizabeth Hanks was driving on a narrow, winding road in the mountains when she noticed two black angus range bulls sparring on an embankment 20 feet above her car. "The last thing I remeber is the bull coming in through the windshield, and then I don't know - I must have lost consciousness for a few minutes," the 71-year-old woman said. "It was a lot of bull and a lot of shattered glass." Hanks was treated at the hospital for a bump on the head. The bull suffered a broken foreleg and other injuries, and had to be killed. |
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Birds Versus Humans

In 2005 there was a dramatic rise in bird attacks on humans, what's next? And why wasn't this featured more prominently in the media? The hippy who wrote "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" forgot to mention that birds are out to destroy our society.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Vodka Shark Incident

From ABC News:
Man Grabs Shark With Hands; Blames Vodka
A man who caught a 4-foot shark with his bare hands off an Australian beach said on Friday he only tried the feat because he was drunk on vodka.
Phillip Kerkhof was fishing off a jetty at Louth Bay, a town on South Australia state's Eyre Peninsula 870 miles west of Sydney, when he spotted the bronze whaler shark swimming in the shallows, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported.
"I just snuck up behind him, and eventually I went for the big grab and I fluked it and got him," Kerkhof said."He was just thrashing around in the water ... starting to turn around and try to bite me and I thought 'well, it's amazing what vodka does'," Kerkhof said.
The shark bit a hole in Kerkhof's jeans, but he was uninjured.
"It's not something I'd recommend to do. When I sobered up I thought about it and I said, 'I'm a bit of an idiot for doing it'," Kerkhof said.
Many species of sharks are common in Australian waters, and there are an average of 15 shark attacks per year in the country roughly one person each year is killed by a shark.
Last month, an abalone diver had an incredible escape after being almost swallowed head first by a huge shark off the New South Wales state coast.
Welcome to the Wild World of Nature

In these modern times, man seems to have become somewhat disconnected from nature. We walk around, head to the sky, feeling superior to all other forms of life on this planet. With our Ipods and flash of lightening cars we have not a fear in our hearts of being torn limb from limb by a bear or having our features mangled by the razor sharp claws of a feral bobcat. Beware of such folly, Man, as nature is all around us. Much like a mall being beset by zombies, our towns and houses are but mere outposts in the vast wilderness that is nature. And much like zombies, some animals will eat your brains.
We present this blog not to instill fear in you, but to remind you that man has been at war with animals since the beginning of his time, and he will continue to engage himself in skirmishes as long as he inhabits this lonesome ball of water and dirt he calls home.
Stay tuned as we chronicle the ongoing war between man and his greatest friend and enemy, animals.